10 Rick And Morty Fan Theories That Change Everything
7. Morty Is Not The Original Morty C-137
Thanks to Netflix it's become all but impossible to watch just one episode of Rick and Morty at a time. It's so easy to binge watch for hours on end, made even easier by the 'Skip Intro' button for when you've seen the opening credits too many times in one day.
But, what if those credits hide a huge clue to the past. What if the Morty we know and love wasn't Rick's first. There is plenty of evidence throughout the series that Rick's sidekicks are seen as expendable and replaceable, and there is no reason to believe our Rick would see things any differently.
The very first scene in the opening credits shows Rick and Morty on the run from big green aliens. Rick escapes through a portal, but Morty is not so lucky. What if, this is actually canon, and the ultimate fate of Rick C-137's original grandson?
Unable to face Beth and the reality of being responsible for her son's death, Rick replaced him with a new Morty. There is even a shot in season three's opening credits of Beth's father picking a new pre-packaged Morty off the shelf.