10 Rick And Morty Fan Theories That Change Everything
8. Beth's Mother Is Unity

Throughout the series we are given slight hints and tiny puzzle pieces to Rick's past, but even when they are all put together the picture is sketchy at best. One of the biggest questions surrounds his abandoning of Beth and her mother, and for that matter, who her mother actually was.
The only information we have about Beth's mom is from a fabricated story Rick tells Cornvelious Daniel while being interrogated, which amounts to absolutely nothing at all. Anyone who can reach Rick on such an emotional level as to create a life with him must be something special, so who was she, and what happened between them?
One being we know to have a history with Rick, and a very deep connection with him to the point that he tried to kill himself when they left, is Unity. A theory put forward on Reddit says that when Rick and Unity knew each other before, with the latter on a much smaller scale than we see in Auto Erotic Assimilation, one of the people she was controlling became pregnant with Rick's child.
When Unity wanted to spread out further across the galaxy she left Rick behind with the pregnant human. Once free of the being's control, the human woman would have no memory of Rick, and more than likely nothing in common with him, leading to his decision to leave her with Beth before returning 20 years later.