10 Scariest Characters In Non-Horror TV Shows

8. Chris Finch (The Office)

Lalo better call saul

Gervais and Merchant’s early ‘00s masterpiece remains beloved in no small part because it’s so incredibly relatable, and office loudmouth and all round bad egg Chris Finch is one of the most well-observed pieces of the puzzle.

We’ve all known a Finchy - an inveterate liar and braggart, eager to boast about the smallest thing (from his genius level IQ to his uncanny throwing ability) and desperate to put anyone else down to bring himself up. Finchy serves the purpose of making David Brent likeable by comparison - Brent is in awe of his travelling salesman pal, and absorbs endless abuse (right up until the immensely cathartic finale).

Chris Finch is the kind of man who makes coming into work that much more of a chore. Whether you’re the target of his sophomoric insults or just someone in his proximity who has to listen to him blather on, his presence in the office is enough to ruin your day.

Most annoyingly, he almost never faces the consequences of his actions; he’s back on the road, away to haunt another office in another commuter town.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)