10 Scariest Characters In Non-Horror TV Shows

7. Phil Leotardo (The Sopranos)

Lalo better call saul

Most characters in The Sopranos, from Tony on down, are scary in their own right, but most of them have a lighter side, a spark of humanity. Not so Phil Leotardo, the veteran gangster turned New York boss who serves as the Jersey mob’s ultimate antagonist in the closing stretch of the series.

Played by mafia movie legend Frank Vincent, Phil has a chip on his shoulder the size of the Empire State. He did 20 years in the can for his crew, and comes out expecting the world. As a revered OG, he finds his way straight to the top of pragmatic Johnny Sack’s New York crew, and quickly begins preaching violence to his boss.

When Johnny’s locked up, Phil finally steps into the hot seat, and from there, no one’s safe. Perhaps his most sinister moment comes opposite Vito, Phil’s cousin by marriage. When Vito’s homosexuality is discovered, Phil takes matters into his own hands, cheerfully icing Tony’s employee in a gruesome manner.

Phil bears grudges for years, and believes himself to be entitled to status off the back of his lengthy prison sentence. He’s the greatest threat Tony and the gang ever face, and to that end, his final moments (and unusually graphic death) could hardly be more earned.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)