10 Scariest Stargate Episodes Ever

6. Stargate Atlantis Season 2 Episode 7: Instinct

Stargate Atlantis Instinct

The Wraith are Stargate Atlantis’ biggest foe. Their abilities allow them to “feed” on human life-force, draining a human into a desecrated corpse.

While that sounds frightening all in itself, in the episode "Instinct" the main exploration team for Atlantis encounters something much more terrifying.

Initially, the crew encounters another early developmental town of superstitious humans who believe there is a demon running amok taking them in the night. The team believes that it simply is a hungry Wraith, and goes out hunting.

They do find a Wraith, but one who arrived on this planet as a child and was raised by a human to be different than her kinsmen. She even receives a specialized serum to hold her hunger at bay.

It turns out there were actually two Wraiths on the planet, and the younger one has been lying to her adopted father the whole time. The serum never worked, and she desperately wants to become a human as she hates herself for killing innocent humans to feed.

The young Wraith takes a serum created by Atlantis’ doctor Beckett that she thinks will make her human.

Sadly, it does the opposite, turning the young Wraith woman into a bug-like monster that kills her adopted father and begins to rampage against eh locals and the Atlantis team.

The episode is more fog, more scary monsters, and a sad Frankenstein-Esque moral story about doctors creating monsters that wish more than anything to be a normal human, but in their rush to be human, become the very monster they hate.


Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.