10 Scariest Stargate Episodes Ever

5. Stargate Atlantis Season 5 Episode 7: Whispers

Stargate Atlantis Instinct

Michael Kenmore was a part-Wraith, part-human experiment, created when the human crew aboard the ancient city of Atlantis attempted to replicate a failed ancient experiment. Michael became a massive threat to the Pegasus Galaxy due to his intelligence and brutality.

During the events of the episode "Whispers", the crew of the Atlantis learns that Michael built a lab to create biological experiments for his war against the Wraith and the Atlantis crew. However, during his tests, he quickly realized that one of his experiments was uncontrollable and far too dangerous, even for him.

This experiment took the form of bug-like pale, veiny, bald humans with their eyes sewn shut who hunted the Humans that lived inside a village stylized in the 16th century.

Eventually, even members of the Atlantis crew are picked off by creatures using deep fog to creep up on their prey.

All in all, the episode is full of jump-scare moments, and event good moments of heightened tension as the fog rolls up from wells behind crew members' backs, how armies of monsters charge and grab humans dragging them screaming from the fog, and everyone is disoriented and confused as they try to battle their foe.

While the experiments may not have been successful, Michael was able to cause some real damage to his rivals, even if he did so unknowingly.


Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.