10 Sci-Fi TV Shows You Can Quit Before The End

9. Lost

Heroes Claire

Where to begin with Lost? There are so many places that you can leave it, as the show continues to build mystery upon mystery until there is nothing but unsatisfying answers to roughly a third of the questions we originally had.

While there are some great characters and some truly brilliant self-contained episodes (pretty much all of them in Season One), Lost meanders until it becomes less than the sum of its parts.

There are a couple of schools of thought as to where to stop watching the show. Firstly, simply stop at the end of its debut year. The first season of Lost is probably one of the finest first seasons of a television show ever made. It has a wide ensemble of deep characters, a compelling situation, gorgeous locations and excellently crafted visuals. Sure, there are hundreds of questions left at the end of Season One... but then there are hundreds of questions left at the end of Season Six, so just leave it here and you've only seen the best bits.

Alternatively, if you can stomach the nonsensical time-travel plot of Season Five, leave it at the last episode of that season, where Juliet uses all of her dying strength to whack the stuffing out of a nuclear warhead and hopefully obliterate the entire timeline that she just had to live through.

Seriously, the blast to white there would be a fitting end - more so than the one that we got a whole season later.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'