10 Sci-Fi TV Shows You Can Quit Before The End

8. Heroes

Heroes Claire

So many twists, so many turns, so many reinventions of Sylar - is he evil? Is he redeemable? Of course he isn't, he's a serial killer - and there's almost no coherent plot throughout the whole narrative of the series. Characters popped in and out, changing their abilities and starting large plot ideas that the forced pace of the series simply couldn't fulfil.

The best place to leave Heroes is probably at the end of Season One. This is what almost everything had been building up to, and we get to see the (not quite as climactic as we'd been promised) battle between Sylar and the Heroes. Since Peter managed to 'save the cheerleader', we did in fact get the right conclusion and were left with the more cinematic Five Years Into the Future as a taste of possibility that never needed to be realised.

Past the end of that first season, well, things get deeper and deeper into their own convoluted nonsense and keep piling idea on top of idea without offering any resolution for them. The critics were right when they said that this show was attempting to be the next Lost.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'