10 Sci-Fi TV Shows You Can Quit Before The End

6. Castle

Heroes Claire

You might ask yourself what a show like Castle is doing on a sci-fi list, but a sixth season episode features a time traveller, so that gives some shaky justification for its inclusion here.

Speaking of the sixth season, the 22nd episode of it, Veritas, is the exact place to leave this show. The overriding storyline of Detective Beckett searching for her mother's killer is perfectly resolved in this episode; a story that has kept its audience going for years.

The 23rd and final episode of this season, For Better or Worse, was a funny, charming story that could well have served as a brilliant counterpoint to Veritas and rounded out the season beautifully. Could have, if it weren't for the last scenes.

As the episode ends, Castle is rushing to his wedding and realises he is being pursued. He is kidnapped and his car destroyed, which then leads to an utterly boring storyline in the seventh season with no real resolution and one in the eighth that didn't know what it was trying to do. So leave it at Veritas, which ties up the storyline that had defined the show. Don't go further, because it seriously isn't worth it.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'