10 Sci-Fi TV Shows You Can Quit Before The End

7. Smallville

Heroes Claire
The CW

Smallville started well, got a bit better, seriously dipped and then did it's best to recover. While it's ninth season was pretty stellar, the following tenth and final year was a mess.

There were still some standout episodes, like Booster, Dominion, and the Ultraman two-parter Luthor and Kent. That being said, you're better off leaving them behind if you want to avoid the awful series finale. Many reams have been written about the ending of Smallville, and while the show has its charms, its ending isn't one of them.

So here's a suggestion for the tenth season. Simply stop the first episode after the first few minutes, when Lois has saved Clark by removing the Blue Kryptonite dagger. Then skip ahead and watch the fourth and fifth episodes (Homecoming and Isis). The ending of Isis has Clark finally telling Lois about who he is - and that, quite frankly, is a much better ending than the one we ended up getting 16 episodes later.

It may not have any climactic battle, it may not have major special effects, but it does have Lois and Clark finally being honest with one another; something that the themes of the show had pushed to the forefront right from the beginning. It's a more fitting ending, given what else was on offer.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'