10 Scrapped Friends Storylines That Would Have Changed The Show Forever

3. Rachel Becomes Gunther's Roommate

Friends Joey

James Michael Tyler, the actor that played Gunther, once revealed a scrapped storyline that would have seen Rachel move in with the Central Perk manager.

The long-running gag of Gunther’s obsession with Rachel was a favourite amongst viewers, but may have jumped the shark if the two were forced to live together.

This is a sentiment echoed by Tyler and Jennifer Aniston who reportedly both protested against the proposed storyline. Having Rachel as a roommate sounds like it would be a dream come true for Gunther, but the man behind the character clearly wasn't keen on the idea.

Tyler was quoted as saying:

“It just felt contrived, and everything else that happened in the series… was quite organic”

Thankfully, this storyline never saw the light of day and the Gunther-Rachel dynamic stayed intact as one of the more subtle sub-plots of the show.

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Freelance journalist and serial moaner, obsessed with the ludicrous world of professional wrestling.