10 Secret Subplots You Learn From Watching Community Deleted Scenes

8. Chang Gets Haunted By His Twin Sister

community behind the scenes

Though the show makes several passing references to the fact that Chang ate his twin sister, Connie, in the womb, this was actually supposed to be part of a far more elaborate subplot in season two.

The season two premiere, "Anthropology 101," ends with Chang having a conversation with himself not unlike that of Gollum from The Lord of the Rings, but Chang was initially supposed to be haunted by the presence of his dead sister.

The episode's original ending saw a visibly disturbed Chang hear the sound of a loud heartbeat and the cries of a baby, implying some sort of primordial flashback to the moment that he resorbed his unborn twin.

And this was intended to be the beginning of a season-long plot which, sadly, was nixed by NBC before it was even filmed. Creator Dan Harmon himself said:

"We had this whole thing plotted out where we were going to tell this seasonal story of how he's plagued by the guilt that his mother put in him that he had a twin in the uterus, and it was a little girl, and he ate her. And [his mother] dressed him up in little dresses and said, 'I wish you were your sister instead,' and that rejection triggers these psychotic breaks in him.
We were gonna slowly bring in the ghost of his dead sister, playing with a little ball and encouraging him to do bad things. We were gonna slowly uncork that, one step at a time, so that we wouldn't have to pitch it to anybody, because obviously the answer would be, 'No, don’t do that.'"

And so, the subplot was thrown out and replaced with the less-troubling - and certainly less interesting - Gollum gag. Boo.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.