10 Secret Subplots You Learn From Watching Community Deleted Scenes

7. How Puppet-Pierce Got Out Of The Woods

community behind the scenes

Season four's "Intro to Felt Surrogacy" memorably features the cast as puppets, and the episode ends with the study group all being ushered out of the puppet show and back to reality.

But one plot thread is left hanging - what happened to Pierce (Chevy Chase)? He's busy relieving his bowels when the rest of the group leaves the woods, and we're never told how he actually made it back to civilisation.

Well, a deleted scene has the answer - Puppet-Pierce is seen hanging out with the mountain man (Jason Alexander) from earlier in the episode, who becomes exasperated with Pierce's inability to shut up, due to the hallucinogenic berries the man fed him prior.

The man initially volunteers to drive Pierce home in his jeep, but after an insufferable Pierce keeps talking, he instead hands Pierce the keys and tells him to drive himself home and even keep the jeep.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.