10 Secret Subplots You Learn From Watching Parks & Recreation Deleted Scenes

6. Tammy Had Sex With Ron's Father

Parks and Recreation Shawna Paul Rudd

The season two episode "Ron and Tammy" introduced fans to Ron Swanson's (Nick Offerman) ex-wife Tammy Two (played by Offerman's real-life wife Megan Mullally), though sadly so much quality content was shot for the episode that some real zingers hit the cutting room floor.

Beyond the hilarious deleted scene where Ron describes Tammy Two's vagina as "like if you took the tractor beam from the Death Star and inserted it where Jabba the Hutt's poo-hole is," an interaction between Tammy and Leslie reveals an unsettlingly intimate secret in her past.

After Leslie mentions that Ron claims Tammy seduced his father, Tammy dismisses it as a "misunderstanding," before quickly adding, "it was only one time, then we called it off."

Considering what a dishy, disturbing morsel of character work this single dialogue exchange is, it's a damn shame it didn't make the cut.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.