10 Secrets Of The Batcave Explained

7. The Enlarged Joker Card

Batman Robin Jason Todd Batcave
DC Comics

Some of the keepsakes found in the Batcave are small mementos of certain moments or characters that have been pivotal to the life and career of the World's Greatest Detective.

Other items, however, are as loud, large and brash as can be - such as the massive Joker card that's positioned alongside the similarly giant Lincoln penny and the monstrous T-Rex.

The origins of this oversized playing card can be traced back to the Clown Prince of Crime himself. You see, at one point in time this card was part of the decor at one of the Joker's multitude of hideouts. Not just the card, mind, for the Jester of Genocide went all out and had all kinds of casino-driven items developed as larger-than-life artefacts.

Like so many of the items held within the Batcave, Batman ended up taking the giant Joker card for himself as a reward for toppling one of the Harlequin of Hate's many nefarious schemes.

For fans of animated offering The Batman, there was also a nice nod to the creation of his oversized playing card during the tenth episode of that show's debut season.

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Senior Writer

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