10 Secrets Of The Batcave Explained

6. The Diary Of Dana Drye

Batman Robin Jason Todd Batcave
DC Comics

The diary of who, you may rightfully ask?

Dana Drye was someone largely considered the greatest detective that the world had ever seen. We've all heard Batman given the World's Greatest Detective nickname, yet Drye was said to make Master Wayne look like an amateur.

After Dana requests the company of Batman, Robin, and four other detective sorts, she's mysteriously killed. As the group set out to unravel just who killed Dana, the Caped Crusader manages to work out that particular conundrum.

It turns out that Drye had actually taken her own life, in a move designed to provide the perfect unsolvable mystery. That's not all though, for Bats also deduces that Dana had long been aware that Batman and Robin were really Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson.

As a mark of respect for Dana having kept this secret to herself, Batman plays dumb on what really happened to Dana Drye, and he also convinces the other four detectives that this was an impossible case to solve.

From there, Batman opted to pay tribute to Dana Drye be displaying her diary amongst the treasures dotted across the Batcave.

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Senior Writer

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