10 Seinfeldisms That Became Part Of Our Everyday Life

9. Spare A Square

Seinfeld TV

In the season five episode The Stall, Elaine gets herself in a predicament when she discovers, after doing the business, that there is no toilet paper in her stall. Noticing there is a woman in the stall next to her, she asks if she could borrow some but is met with the now-iconic "I can’t spare a square" reply.

Of course, the woman turns out to be Jane, Jerry's then-girlfriend, and further shenanigans ensue, ending with Elaine finally getting her revenge.

While Jane may or may not be "Erika", the voice from the phone sex line, she quite possibly might be a prophet of some kind, as it seems she predicted March 2020 quite accurately.

The actual phrase "to spare a square" is not too common in everyday usage, but it is a pure Seinfeldism because it gives a name, and therefore a meaning, to such a mundane situation.

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Big fan of TV shows, music, and indie films. Gets too emotional when watching football. Secretly thinks he could run a Premier League club based only on his time spent playing Football Manager.