10 Seinfeldisms That Became Part Of Our Everyday Life

8. Serenity Now!

Seinfeld TV

This one was so instantly iconic that they named the episode after it. In season nine's third episode, Frank Costanza acquires an instructional tape that advises him to say "serenity now" when he starts to feel overwhelmed by anger.

The modern equivalent of this might be the flex tape meme, as Frank Costanza's mantra did about as much for your nerves as the tape did for that water tank.

It might not have been a fairly effective therapy, but it sure was comedy gold. The final season of Seinfeld had its ups and downs, but Jerry Stiller’s performance was undoubtedly one of the highlights. Serenity now! is an instantly recognizable and relatable classic.

Think about shouting it out next time someone at the office gives you that last little push that just about gets you over the edge. Or just drop an f-bomb, whichever works for you.

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Big fan of TV shows, music, and indie films. Gets too emotional when watching football. Secretly thinks he could run a Premier League club based only on his time spent playing Football Manager.