10 Seinfeldisms That Became Part Of Our Everyday Life

7. Sponge-Worthy

Seinfeld TV

In the season seven episode titled The Sponge, the scarcity of the titular contraceptive forces Elaine to rethink her way of evaluating her potential sexual partners.

The story goes like this: Elaine finds out that her beloved sponges are going out of production, so she raids every drugstore and corner shop in New York to stock up on them. She eventually manages to buy 60 of them at Pasteur Pharmacy.

Imagine that you were limited to having sex only 60 times for the rest of your life. While it might be a great deal for some of us, for Elaine, it meant that she had to make some big decisions.

The term has since evolved to have a more general meaning. Basically, if having sex with somebody is not worth the hassle, it means that they are not sponge-worthy.

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Big fan of TV shows, music, and indie films. Gets too emotional when watching football. Secretly thinks he could run a Premier League club based only on his time spent playing Football Manager.