10 Seinfeldisms That Became Part Of Our Everyday Life

5. Festivus

Seinfeld TV
Sony Pictures TV

To kick off the second part of this list, we circle back to Frank Costanza and yet another one of his great inventions. This one comes from the final season episode, The Strike, where Frank's made-up holiday inspires Kramer to go back on strike and picket outside H&H Bagels.

To say that Festivus has become a part of the mainstream would be putting it lightly. It has actually become a secular holiday celebrated by many people worldwide as an alternative to Christmas.

The root of the idea actually predates Seinfeld, and the episode itself was somewhat based on a real thing. Daniel O'Keefe, the father of the episode's writer Dan O'Keefe, was the one who thought it up, and his son decided to bring it into the show. Of course, a lot of it was exaggerated and fictionalised to fit the plot better and work within the show's confines.

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Big fan of TV shows, music, and indie films. Gets too emotional when watching football. Secretly thinks he could run a Premier League club based only on his time spent playing Football Manager.