10 Seinfeldisms That Became Part Of Our Everyday Life

4. Double-Dipper

Seinfeld TV

While George's storyline was mostly a part of the secondary plot of The Implant, he still managed to have one of the show's best moments. While accompanying his girlfriend Betsy to her aunt's wake, he gets into an argument with her brother about whether or not it's acceptable to double-dip your chip.

Needless to say, this vile habit existed before Seinfeld, but George going for that second dose of the dip really made people call it out once and for all.

The phrase "double-dipping" has since adopted a much broader meaning, often referring to someone who draws two income streams from the government, i.e. a salary and a pension.

The famous line "it's like putting your whole mouth right in the dip" even inspired The Mythbusters to test that theory out in one of their episodes. It turns out that the number of microbes is not even close, so I guess Betsy's brother was a little over the top with his reaction. Did George still deserve it? Probably.

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Big fan of TV shows, music, and indie films. Gets too emotional when watching football. Secretly thinks he could run a Premier League club based only on his time spent playing Football Manager.