10 Shocking Doctor Who Facts You Won't Believe

8. The Daleks Were Inspired By The Nazis

They have become the Doctors most iconic - and not to mention persistent - adversaries of all time and when they first appeared on TV screens back in December 1963, they were like nothing the British viewing public had ever seen before. It didn€™t take long for a fevered case of 'Dalekmania' to sweep the nation but just where did the idea for the now internationally recognisable pepperpots even come from? Well, with their chilling and foreboding battle cry of "Exterminate!" combined with an ongoing mission to achieve total conformity throughout the universe, there was surely only one source of inspiration that's worth mentioning. If you hadn€™t guessed already, Dalek creator Terry Nation based their agenda - to an extent, anyway - on the formidable Nazis as he drew certain similarities between the Daleks' ideology and the real life motives of Hitler's infamous German party. The Daleks are determined to make every other species just like them by any means necessary which sounds hauntingly familiar to the historic events of World War Two when you put it like that. The general idea was that the Daleks were an alien race that glided rather than walked so you never knew they were coming, a metaphor that's also not too far from the truth. The Daleks just got a whole lot scarier...
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.