10 Shocking Moments Star Trek Used Profanity

9. Damn — The Wrath Of Khan

Admiral Clancy Hubris Star Trek Picard

You're familiar with the good doctor's line "Damn it, Jim… " Bones said that a lot in The Original Series, right? Well, not to get all 'Mandela effect' on you, but you've been punk'd.

In truth, DeForest Kelley only ever said this line once to Kirk in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: "Damn it, Jim, what the hell's the matter with you? Other people have birthdays." Presumably, they'd already gone through enough 'hell' on TOS to be damned by the FCC. Besides, he's a doctor, not a swear jar! Furthermore, it was not until Star Trek: Into Darkness that Karl Urban's incarnation of the character added the famous "… I'm a doctor, not a… "

Star Trek II wasn't done with the damns either. We got one from Saavik, and another "damn it" plus a "goddamn" from Bones in Kirk's apartment. Later, there's a "damned peculiar" from Kirk with regards to the recently 'requisitioned' Reliant, and a few extra 'damns' are sprinkled throughout the rest of the movie for good measure.

When it comes to the other TV series, they've all given 'damn' a damned good go. It is Captain Janeway, however, who undoubtedly gave us some of the finest examples of this lighter of profanities. Stopped by a nebula? Damned if she will! (Twice: Year of Hell and One) Species 8472 are back in our galaxy? They'd better give her a damn good explanation! (In the Flesh) Delta Flyer doesn't win the race? Well, you get the idea… (Drive) Personally, I blame "those damn photonic fleas" (The Voyager Conspiracy). Now Kathryn, "breathe, damn it! Breathe!" (Chakotay, Coda)

In any case, by today's streaming standards, all these 'damns' seem positively tame!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.