10 Shocking Moments Star Trek Used Profanity

8. Bloody — Relics

Admiral Clancy Hubris Star Trek Picard

Given that traditionally the American usage of the word tends not to be as an expletive (or, most likely, for that very reason), 'bloody' comes up as such in The Original Series standout episode The Devil in the Dark. As Kirk lines up his red-shirts to prepare to go hunting the misunderstood mother Horta, he insists that he wants "no more deaths," to which Chief Engineer Vanderberg, head of the Janus VI mining colony, replies, "Except the bloody thing". NO KILL I! Taaaaaaame!

It is a TOS legend who teaches the computer a bloody thing or two in The Next Generation episode Relics when he goes to summon up a recreation of the Enterprise bridge: "NCC-1701 — no bloody A, B, C, or D." Scotty, after a few Aldebaran whiskeys, also gives us a masterclass in how to end a holodeck program that could save many the misfortune of a malfunction. Simply say "Computer, shut this bloody thing off" and you'll never be trapped with a practical joker, Dixon Hill, Moriarty, fistfuls of Datas, Bashir, Dr Bashir, that Beowulf one, Barclay, Seska 2.0, Doctor Chaotica, Badgey, Su'Kal, Nazi Hirogen, on the Orient Express, or in Fair Haven ever again.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.