10 Shocking TV Deaths You Didn't See Coming

3. Ana Lucia & Libby - Lost (Season 2, Episode 20)

28824147 If there was ever a memorable death on Lost, this was it. For most of Season 2, our survivors had been fighting with the mysterious Others. We had seen how they kidnapped, killed and assaulted the survivors of Oceanic 815, but it turns out that their best tactic was manipulation. In the middle of the season, Michael had run off to find Walt, who had been taken by the Others in the Season 1 finale. He surprisingly reappeared, with a somewhat suspicious story of how he had encountered the Others and that it would be easy to take them out and get his son back. Henry Gale (later known as the infamous Ben Linus) was an Other who had been questioned and tortured in the hatch. At the end of "Two for the Road," an Ana Lucia-centric episode, Michael confronted her while she was keeping guard. Earlier, she tried to shoot Henry dead after he attacked her. After reliving some painful memories of her time spent with Jack's dad in Australia, Ana Lucia realized she couldn't get herself to pull the trigger. Michael convinced her to give him the gun so he could kill Henry himself. Then, out of nowhere, Michael turned and shot Ana Lucia in the chest, killing her almost instantly. That wasn't the end of it. Moments later, Hurley's girlfriend and fellow tail-section survivor Libby took Michael by surprise, and he accidentally-on purpose shot her twice. The episode ended with Michael setting Henry free and shooting himself in the arm. Ana Lucia was never a popular character and Libby was the least developed major character on the show, but their deaths at the hands of fellow survivor Michael presented a simultaneously disturbing and shocking turn of events. Years later, this watercooler moment still stands out the most shocking death on a show full of twists and turns.

Recent graduate of Towson University, with a B.S. in Journalism/New Media. I enjoy Chipotle, red wine and 'Game of Thrones,' preferably at the same time. Follow me on Twitter @ZelayaIan.