10 Simple Doctor Who Scenes That Were A NIGHTMARE To Film

6. Arriving At New Earth Is Anything But A Breeze

Doctor Who The Girl in the Fireplace horse mirror
BBC Studios

For their first trip in the TARDIS, the Tenth Doctor takes Rose Tyler somewhere special: New Earth, in the year five billion and twenty-three.

The script called for this planet to look "idyllic", with sunshine, sparkling sea, and a couple of planets over the horizon. It was filmed at the Gower Peninsula – a beauty spot known for its spectacular views and sunsets – which fit this description perfectly.

At least, in theory.

Plans to shoot the Doctor and Rose arriving on New Earth in the summer were scuppered by delays to the shooting schedule. And when the crew did make it to the location, they were greeted with some truly atrocious windy weather.

This turned what should have been a simple chat between the Doctor and Rose into a huge challenge: the actors were consistently struggling with hair blowing into their faces; an afternoon rainstorm caused a planned TARDIS shot to be cancelled; and the material that was shot had to be heavily redubbed in post-production.

Doctor Who Confidential New Earth
BBC Studios

The cast and crew were all pretty miserable filming this scene, so when Rose says, “It's beautiful, I love this” that's probably some of the greatest acting in the series!

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!