10 Simple Doctor Who Scenes That Were A NIGHTMARE To Film

5. The Olive Grove Reshoot

Doctor Who The Girl in the Fireplace horse mirror
BBC Studios

Following overseas shoots in Amsterdam and Lanzarote for Seasons 20 and 21, Doctor Who headed to Spain for Season 22’s The Two Doctors.

Like City of Death, Arc of Infinity, and Planet of Fire, The Two Doctors was, in part, an excuse for the cast and crew to have a bit of a holiday. But in this case, things weren’t exactly plain sailing – temperatures soared to 38 degrees celcius, and a stomach bug did the rounds at one point.

But the most problematic individual scene was one between Oscar and Anita in the olive grove. When this footage was returned to the UK, it was discovered that there was a scratch on the film negative, meaning that the scene would have to be reshot. The only problem was that actors James Saxon and Carmen Gómez had returned to the UK too, and sending them back to Spain would come at great cost to the production.

Still, the actors were soon shipped off, and the scene was re-filmed – so just imagine how furious producer John Nathan-Turner was when he discovered that the reported scratch on the film negative was barely visible, meaning that the reshoot was totally unnecessary.

Following The Two Doctors, JNT reportedly vowed that Doctor Who would never go abroad again. After this rollercoaster, you can hardly blame him!

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