10 Simpsons Secrets You Never Knew

7. The Couch Gag Was Done So Each Episode Reached Its Indented Runtime

Homer Krusty
20th Television

The opening credits sequence of The Simpsons has become one of the show’s most recognisable hallmarks. From Bart in detention writing on a chalkboard to Lisa playing the saxophone, many parts of it have become incredibly iconic.

However, the credits’ most recognisable element has to be the “couch gag”, a funny skit done at the end of the credits where the family gather round the TV - a moment that changes each episode.

According to Groening, however, the couch gag was done purely out of practicality so each episode would fit the intended running-time. For example, if an episode was a bit too long, the couch gag could be short and sweet - but if the episode was a bit too short, the couch gag could be extended slightly to add to the run-time.

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The Simpsons
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