10 Small Details You Only Learn Rewatching Brooklyn Nine-Nine

6. Kevin Takes Terry's Portrait Of Captain Holt

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Although Terry's beautiful oil painting rendition of Captain Holt is something to behold, it also takes place in the fourth ever episode of the show, meaning you quickly forget about it amongst ever-evolving relationships, tense court trials, and Jake going to jail that one time.

But the creators of the show never forgot about this beautiful prop, because it appears again in the show. This tasteful portrait appears in Holt's husband Kevin's office, placed delicately in the background for you to notice. Admittedly, since it was hand-painted by artist extraordinaire Eric Skotnes, it would have been a massive waste for this particular piece to not appear again.

It's an especially nice detail, because Holt explicitly states he's taking the painting home for his husband, meaning its secondary appearance shows that Kevin liked it so much he decided to take it to work.

This is probably one of the more obvious hidden details of the series - as it's a huge vibrant art piece - but many may have still missed the connection, given these two episodes aren't directly next to each other.


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