10 Small Details You Only Learn Rewatching Brooklyn Nine-Nine

7. Boyle Gives Whoever He Sleeps With A Dehydrator

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

The fact that Boyle is given back his food dehydrator by Vivian Ludley when the two break up is not all that surprising, as weird as that may sound. Given the pair's relationship came to fruition because of their shared love and knowledge of food - especially strange foods - it's perfectly logical that Charles lent his paramour a piece of cooking tech.

However, later episodes of the show imply that this gift was not down to their shared love of cuisine, but rather that Charles lends his dehydrator to whoever he happens to be boning at that given time, which is way, way weirder.

This is because, in the next season, after Gina and Charles end their casual relationship Gina hands him a dehydrator. While she's a woman of many talents, we've never especially seen Gina show a love of cooking or making any kind of food, and so it seems as though this is instead a surreal ritual that our boy Boyle goes through when he's trying to woo someone.

It's weird, but it's also entirely believable, as we've definitely, definitely, seen Boyle do weirder things for the sake of love of the show's course.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.