10 Smartest Brooklyn Nine-Nine Characters

8. Boyle

Raymond Holt Brooklyn Nine Nine

It's often quite difficult to think of Charles as intelligent at times, thanks to his boyish obsession with his best friend, and the general sidekick vibes he gives off. He has tended to live in Jake Peralta's shadow for much of his career, but he is perfectly happy with things this way.

He didn't start out as the best detective at the start of the series, and has been known to be quite gullible, but has worked harder than anyone, going onto solve some very big cases. When a bomb was set off in the Nine-Nine precinct, Holt felt that he had to call in the best detective he had ever worked with, but even he couldn't put the case together as quickly as Boyle.

He may not have ever claimed the title of Ultimate Detective/Genius, but he was integral to several victories over the years, and his detective work has gained him the trust of just about everyone he works with.

Boyle could also be considered as something of a culinary genius, taking pride in his palette and his extensive knowledge of weird and wonderful foods from across the globe.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.