10 Smartest Moments In Buffy The Vampire Slayer

9. Making Cordelia Delete Her Work – Willow (Season 1, Episode 2)

Though Cordelia becomes more likeable as time goes on, she’s one of the most annoying characters at the start of Season 1. She’s a typical popular student who looks down on others as she struts around the school with her irritating friends.

Midway through Episode 2, Cordelia talks to Harmony about Buffy, describing her as a “psycho-loony”. Willow, who’s listening in on this conversation, contradicts Cordelia and tells her that she doesn’t even know Buffy. Cordelia then turns on Willow and dishes out a few more insults before turning back to the computer screen.

Having finished her work, Cordelia tries to save what she’s done, and Willow tells her to press “deliver”. Cordelia, completely unaware of what she’s about to do, presses the “del” button on her keyboard and deletes everything she’s been working on.

It’s a small moment, but it’s immensely satisfying to watch Cordelia get what she deserves. Even at the age of sixteen, Willow had a sharp mind and a thirst for justice.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.