10 Smartest Moments In Buffy The Vampire Slayer

8. Duping The Slayer Into Thinking She’s Committed Murder – Warren (Season 6, Episode 13)

willow buffy the vampire slayer
mutant enemy

In Season 6, Warren, Jonathan, and Andrew team up with the intention of taking over Sunnydale, and despite their juvenile personalities, they cause plenty of trouble.

During Episode 13, Warren manipulates the mind of his ex-girlfriend and forces her to carry out his sexual fantasies. Unfortunately for him, the effects of the cerebral dampener wear off, and Katrina tries to escape. Warren, determined to stop Katrina, whacks her across the head with a bottle, killing her instantly.

Warren, Jonathan, and Andrew now have a dead body to deal with, and Warren quickly comes up with a twisted – but smart – plan. After moving Katrina to a secluded spot, the trio warp Buffy’s mind with some magical trickery, duping her into believing she’s guilty of murder.

Whilst Buffy discovers the truth in the end, Warren’s plan was still ingenious. He managed to avoid justice and – at the same time – he almost landed the Slayer behind bars. Despite how hateworthy he is, it’s impossible to deny that Warren can be fiendishly clever at times.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.