10 Star Trek Actors Who Lent Their Voices To Family Guy

3. Ricardo Montalbán

Family Guy TNG

Where this hilarious entry succeeds is in its sheer unexpectedness. The episode features a surprising number of twists and turns in its 20-minute runtime, and it's the voice performance by Star Trek legend Ricardo Montalbán that really lingers in the minds of the viewers after the episode ends.

'McStroke' starts with Peter deciding to grow a moustache, and subsequently revolving his entire lifestyle around it. When the local fast-food restaurant, McBurgerTown, catches fire, Peter runs in to save the manager, costing him his beloved facial hair but earning him the reward of unlimited free burgers.

Like any good American, Peter eats thirty hamburgers in one sitting, causing him to have a stroke. Though cured amazingly quickly by stem-cell research, he decides to sue McBurgerTown, and, as he and Brian sneak into the chain's headquarters, they discover a horrific slaughterhouse full of live cattle.

They rescue one such cow - an incredibly eloquent one, it should be noted - and he testifies against McBurgerTown, pleading for an end to the injustice by eating salad instead of meat.

Montalbán is revered in the Trekkie community for playing Khan Noonien Singh, possibly the franchise's most iconic villain. His performance as the McBurgerTown cow is a different kettle of fish, for sure, but it carries just as much weight while making for a refreshing change having him play the good guy.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.