10 Star Trek Actors Who Lent Their Voices To Family Guy

4. Marc Alaimo

Family Guy TNG

Be it live action, animation or a combination of the two, some actors are just born to be the villain. After one or two successful baddie roles, it's often hard to picture that actor ever being the good guy - and that's not a bad thing, as this example shows.

'The Splendid Source' sees Peter, Quagmire and Joe reunite with Cleveland as they travel to Virginia to find the origin of a particularly dirty joke. Their search leads them way further than expected, and they are eventually kidnapped and transported to a remote building in the middle of the jungle.

This is the Secret Order of Dirty Joke Writers, overseen by a character called The Dean. He is hospitable to the group at first, but imprisons them when they try to leave in order to protect the secret of the Order. When a fight later ensues over the "dirtiest joke ever written", Peter unintentionally starts a fire, destroying the building and presumably killing everyone inside, The Dean included.

The duplicitous character is voiced by Marc Alaimo, who played the equally two-faced character of Gul Dukat on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. His authoritarian baritone voice both invites and terrifies, making him a perfect casting for such a morally inflexible villain.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.