10 Star Trek Characters Who Came Back From The Dead

It's Night Of The Living Dead in the Star Trek universe, but which of these ghouls are your favourite?

Star Trek Lower Decks Shax
CBS Media Ventures

Death is a funny thing. As unpleasant a topic as it can be, in Star Trek, it can also be a fiercely temporary state of being. What does death mean when there's ratings to be grabbed? Oh, that main character has shuffled off the mortal coil? Well, as long as their surname isn't Dax, then there's nothing final about this!

Bringing characters back from the dead is an old trope of fiction (and non-fiction, depending on which section of the library you wander into) so we shouldn't be surprised that we see it in Trek. There's an entire movie about undoing one character's death, while some fairly big television reveals have featured - you guessed it - resurrections.

For this list, we've opted to find a selection of methods. Are they the same person, or a little changed? Are they in the same body, or a new version? Have they hopped universes? In the wild world of the final frontier, death is, to quote another long-running SciFi series, the equivalent of man-flu.

10. Daniels

Star Trek Lower Decks Shax
CBS Media Ventures

Temporal Agent Daniels faced a pretty rough beginning to Star Trek: Enterprise's fourth season. He had done his best, via Archer, to help bring the Temporal Cold War to an end, but time ran out for him in Storm Front. He appeared on the ship, horribly mutilated, his body existing in various different times.

The Nakhul had used a temporal corridor to launch attacks through time, changing things here and there, resulting in Daniels' altered state. It took Archer, along with Enterprise, and Silik, to defeat Vosk. He was removed from history, erasing all of his actions as part of the Cold War, bringing Daniels back to life.

Daniels seemed completely aware of what had happened, so this seems not just to be a case of hitting the reset button, but rather undoing the effects of Vosk's actions, rather than those actions themselves. Daniels did indeed die, and was aware of it. Thankfully, it didn't stick. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick