10 Star Trek Characters Who Have Appeared In The Most Shows

2. William T. Riker - 6

Riker Archer Shran Enterprise

Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: Enterprise
Star Trek: Picard
Star Trek: Lower Decks

The beard that launched a thousand fan-fics, few faces in Star Trek as as recognisable as that of William Riker.

Originally envisioned as TNG's Kirk-like facsimile against the more cerebral Captain Picard, Will Riker proved himself over the years to be a gallant and capable first officer. Whether leading Starfleet to victory at Wolf-359, confronting his alternates selves, or just mounting chairs in the most baffling ways, Riker was a firm fan favourite, and one that Trek aficionados would be watching for many years to come.

A somewhat similar but 'technically' different Riker would show up to play the villain in DS9 episode 'Defiant', as Thomas Riker, an alternate formed by a transporter accident, steals a Federation warship to do battle with Cardassia in the name of the terrorist Maquis.

The 'Prime' Will Riker, meanwhile, is summoned to The Delta Quadrant by Q, to stand as a witness for the life of 'Quinn', a suicidal Q requesting sanctuary aboard Voyager. At another point in this slightly wishy-washy timeline Riker takes in a holodeck simulation of Enterprise NX-01's final mission, and plays the chef that singlehandedly destroyed the franchise for nearly a decade.

Once Trek has dusted itself off, Riker would appear in Lower Decks season 2 as the captain of the USS Titan, and reunite with his old Captain in Picard, leading a fleet of Federation starships in a tense standoff with the Romulan Zhat Vash to save the androids of Coppelius.

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Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.