10 Star Trek Characters Who Need To Be Redeemed

8. Alexander

Ro Phaser Star Trek

Alexander Roschenko, son of Worf, is one of the great underused characters in Star Trek. He is very similar to his father in how he was brought up, yet for some reason he ends up as a bumbling adult with no true place on a Klingon vessel.

The Dominion War ends up requiring every able-bodied warrior to take their place in the fleet and Alexander barely qualifies for that description. He is clearly out of his depth, with many examples of mistakes and simple errors stacking up against him. Though he tries to act the part of a Klingon, he never truly manages to play the part.

The issue here is that enlisting in the Klingon Defence Forces was never the right path for Alexander to take. He should have attempted to enter Starfleet, if anything. Having been raised by his half-human mother and his fully human grandparents, he was closer in every way to Earth and its people. Worf succeeded in his attempts to be Klingon because he never truly shied away from it. Alexander simply tried an about-face too late in life.

The result is that this has left him looking like a fool when in fact he is merely the wrong tool for the job.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick