10 Star Trek Characters With The Most Extreme Development

1. Spock

Dr Beverley Crusher Star Trek TNG Movies Picard Gates McFadden
Paramount Pictures

This entry feels obvious - but then, it's obvious for a reason. Spock, the character with the very first spoken line in the history of the franchise, is still receiving character development to this day. He has appeared in TOS, TAS, the Kelvin Movies, TNG, Discovery, Prodigy, and now SNW. There is an argument that on appearances alone,

Spock has truly evolved beyond what could have been imagined by Gene Roddenberry. Introduced as a satanic-looking alien struggling to understand emotion, he would be refined to a cooler logician, though even in his first run, there was enough examples of his experience with emotion that gave him depth.

The movies would explore this further so that the Spock who appears in Star Trek 6 has grown immeasurably from the one who appeared in The Cage. He would receive further development in the Next Generation, introducing his new relationship with the Romulans.

Re-casting the character to depict a younger Spock, Zachary Quinto, and then later, Ethan Peck only serves to offer further insight into the franchise's first Vulcan. This is truly a case where expanding the material the audience had known creates a fuller, deeper Spock.

The stories of Strange New Worlds may be set in Star Trek's past, but each entry allows the audience to understand Spock a little better, and to appreciate just why he was and remains one of the most popular characters in television history.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick