10 Star Trek Characters Worthy Of A Resurrection

6. Gary Mitchell

Star Trek Picard Liam Shaw Captain Todd Stashwick
CBS Media Ventures

This may seem a little left field, but does anyone agree that the defeat of the superhuman Gary Mitchell was all a bit...easy?

Having come into contact with the Galactic Barrier (it was simpler times, back in the 60s, when a ship could just nip across the Quadrant and be home in time for tea), Gary Mitchell and Elizabeth Dehner, both of whom scored quite highly in ESP, of course, begin to develop god-like powers. Had they been allowed to develop, this could very well have been an origin story for the Q.

Instead, Kirk drops a rock on Mitchell, and Dehner is electrocuted by the newly mad version of Gary. And then everyone just goes about their day. Two god-like beings brought down easier than a gorn. Okie dokey then.

The return of Mitchell, the malevolent of the two, would make for a very interesting, extremely dangerous foe in Star Trek. Have we ever stopped to think - what would happen if Q really did decide to go off the rails one day? Perhaps Mitchell's powers wouldn't be that extensive, but if I were a Starfleet captain, I wouldn't like to be the one facing off against him.

Which, to this potentially sociopathic writer, is exactly why the return of Gary Mitchell could be a cautionary tale about skirting with the galactic skirting board to frighten young cadets for decades to come.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick