10 Star Trek Characters You Didn't Realise Died Horrible Deaths

8. The Alternate Tasha Yar

Star Trek Pete Durst
CBS Media Ventures

Of course everyone remembers Tasha Yar's death from Skin Of Evil. She was killed off out of nowhere in what otherwise seemed like a normal, unspecial episode in The Next Generation's first season. What we're instead focusing on here is the death of the Tasha from the alternate timeline created in the episode Yesterday's Enterprise.

When the Enterprise-C travelled through a temporal anomaly from 2344 to 2366, they were stopped from sacrificing themselves in a battle that would've led to the future we all know and love. Because the Enterprise-C was never destroyed, the Federation ended up in a devastating war against the Klingons. When the Enterprise-C travelled back to 2344 to restore the timeline, the alternate Tasha decided to go back with them. She heard from Guinan that she was dead in the original timeline and thought that by escaping to the past she could avoid her fate.

The Romulans attacking the Enterprise-C secretly took several of its crew as prisoners. Enduring torture and interrogation, she was forced to form a bond with one of the Romulans to survive; a bond that later resulted in her daughter, the half-Romulan Sela. Unfortunately, one night Tasha tried to escape with her daughter, but Sela screamed for help and caused her own mother to be executed.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.