10 Star Trek Cliffhangers That Were Never Resolved

9. Will The Vaadwaur Return?

Data Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

The beginning of Dragon's Teeth is marked with Voyager being accidentally sucked into 'underspace', a series of networked tunnels that allow them to travel hundreds of light-years in the blink of an eye. They are quickly pushed out by the Taurei, before a series of events leads them to discover the Vaadwaur.

This sleeping race represents the Dragon's Teeth of the title, as Chakotay seems to be the first to realize that they might be best left in their stasis pods. Once revived, the Vaadwaur immediately begin making plans to continue the conquest that had been their aim before going into cryo-sleep. Even with the help of Gedrin, one of their own, Voyager barely survives the encounter, fleeing while the Taurei bombards the planet from orbit.

But what of the fifty-one Vaadwaur vessels that escaped destruction into the underspace networks? The episode closes with Janeway certain they haven't seen the last of this villainous race. However, for now, it seems that they have. This is a thread that Star Trek: Prodigy, set in the Delta Quadrant, could quite easily pick up on, even if, being a children's show, it avoids some of the heavier themes.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick