10 Star Trek Episodes That Actors Regret

7. Spock's Brain - Leonard Nimoy

Star Trek - “Spock’s Brain”

While the episode is a milestone in the franchise's history for just how bad it is, Spock's Brain is also firmly in the 'so bad it's good' camp. The episode was made with the slashed production budgets that the third season received, serving almost as an insult to the fans who campaigned to keep the show on the air.

Leonard Nimoy is of course front and centre in this instalment and related in his autobiography that he felt embarrassed for almost the entire shoot. Though it was a feeling that would come back several times in the third season, Spock's Brain bore the brunt of the criticism here. It is not simply that it is a bad episode, though that is without question.

The episode seems dumb. Vulcan physiology allows them to exist without a brain for 24 hours, which is a pretty marvellous attribute for any species. Yet, it had never been mentioned before and would never be mentioned again. So clearly, it was made up on the fly. The story does give McCoy a few chances to have a bit of fun that really is stretching things. Nimoy's review may just have been the kindest thing to be written about Spock's Brain in its entire history.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick