10 Star Trek Episodes That Deserved To Become Classics (But Didn't)

1. Bar Association

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CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Bar Association hails from Deep Space Nine's terrific fourth season, so for that alone it's quite understandable that this episode slipped through the cracks when it was released. Depicting the struggles of the Ferengi in Quark's bar, along with Rom's idealism, and giving us memes that have been used repeatedly in recent times, this episode does what Deep Space Nine does best - it takes contemporary issues and Trekifies them.

Rom's fight for better working conditions at the bar is initially a bit ridiculous - he is a Ferengi after all, and yet he quickly finds support among the station personnel. Well, not from Quark that is.

The sheer ridiculousness of Rom's efforts are exactly the point of the episode, and would no doubt have earned it the moniker of a bit too left-leaning on release (thankfully, Star Trek has never again even ventured to the left side of the conversation). Yet in the years that have passed, this episode has garnered a fresh reputation, with it only now coming into its own.

Ferengi Workers Of The World, Unite!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick