10 Star Trek Episodes That Deserved To Become Classics (But Didn't)

7. The Magicks Of Megas-Tu

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CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Remember that time that Lucifer turned up in The Animated Series, and he was absolutely shredded? No one ever said that the show wasn't a bit weird, OK? But that doesn't mean that there weren't some truly outstanding episodes to enjoy.

Generally, YesterYear and The Counter-Clock Incident spring to mind when thinking of classic Animated Series episodes, but The Magicks Of Megas-tu is actually an extremely interesting exercise in morality, equal in many ways to The Original Series at its best. Yes, it does feature yet another incredible jaunt across vast distances in the blink of an eye, but this was par for the course with Kirk's Enterprise.

The recreation of the Salem Witch Trials was a fascinating look into how humanity has grown in the years that have passed. Putting Kirk on trial, while charging him with defending the rights of Lucien, was something one would not expect from a children's cartoon - but when has Star Trek ever truly given in to the idea that only children would watch their episodes?

The ingredients for classic Trek are all present in Megas-tu, and this one definitely deserves a rewatch.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick