10 Star Trek Episodes With The Highest Stakes

7. Coming Home

Star Trek Picard Enterprise D Jupiter
CBS Media Ventures

Species 10-C were accidentally responsible for the destruction of, and near extinction of, Kweijon and its people. Their energy harvesters, or Dark Matter Anomalies, were simple in their task and devastating in their effects. Boronite was too tempting to pass up, so away the DMA went, without regard for local life.

Though the 10-C were a fully sentient race, they were also advanced to the point that they didn't understand human life, and others like it were equally aware. They were, technically, arrogant to the point of destruction, but not so far gone they couldn't listen to reason.

By the final moments of Star Trek: Discovery's fourth season, a DMA was approaching Earth. Starfleet simply didn't have the technology to combat such a weapon, so the evacuation of the planet was the only option - and with a population of nearly 8 billion in 2024 alone, allow for another thousand years of births, deaths, and marriages. That's going to be a hell of a job.

The ships in orbit were on a losing mission from the jump, so it truly came down to the envoy attempting to communicate with the 10-C. If they hadn't been successful, there would have been one less bright blue ball in the sky.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick