10 Star Trek Fan Theories That Became Fact
8. Kahless Never Returned
Kahless the Unforgettable returns to the Klingon Empire in the 24th century, appearing before Worf on the moon of Borath. Though initially, Worf is overjoyed, his feelings turn sour when he discovers that the man is in fact a clone of the great warrior, taken from a sample on the legendary Knife of Kirom. However, a fan theory speculated that this clone was another deception altogether. The monks on Borath had not cloned Kahless at all but his brother Morath.
The novel shows that Kahless was not the man that legend painted him to be. He was still a warrior but not the mythical being that Klingons now worship him as. He did fight to defeat Molor, the tyrant of old, with his wife the Lady Lukara, yet he was saved from death when his brother took a stab wound from the knife that was meant for him.
The revelation of the ancient testament of Kahless undoes much of the mystery around the man, deepening Klingon lore and expanding him from a one-dimensional demigod. The novel was written by Michael Jan Friedman.