10 Star Trek Foods We Wish Were Real
6. Slug-O-Cola
Viewers might notice that, at least before J.J. Abrams, Star Trek didn’t have much in the way of branding, not even fictional branding. On Earth, for example, this was so because humans had moved beyond crass commercialization and market-based economics and put their minds to higher purposes.
For the Ferengi, though, nothing could be farther from the truth. Their entire culture is based on those very things, they take them literally as articles of faith – and the crasser, the better. Whatever brings in that almighty latinum, right?
Case in point: Slug-o-Cola, “The slimiest cola in the galaxy!” The most popular cola on Ferenginar, the Ferengi homeworld, the mint-colored Slug-o-Cola is guaranteed to have 43% live algae in every bottle and keep one’s teeth a “lovely shade of green”. It has dominated the cola market for centuries despite serious challenges by its main rival Eelwasser.
Say what you will, but nothing goes better with a plate of fried tube grubs than a tall lukewarm glass of Slug-o-Cola!