10 Star Trek Scenes Even More Impressive When You Know The Truth

7. Bujold's Bridge

Star Trek Seven And Janeway

Kate Mulgrew wasn’t the first Kathryn Janeway. Kathryn Janeway wasn’t even the first Kathryn Janeway. This title goes to French Canadian actress Geneviève Bujold as Nicole Janeway for a grand total of two days’ filming on the pilot Caretaker (essentially on the bridge). Without some on-set problems, we never would have had any scene with Kate Mulgrew as Captain.

Bujold was an academy award-winning film actor and was hired without a screen test. When filming began, however, the radically different mechanics of episodic television proved an issue – multiple takes were required for each shot instead of the usual one or two, and the director was reportedly frustrated with Bujold’s often strange and underwhelming delivery. Footage does exist of the scenes, and it is true that, by comparison with Mulgrew, the performance is a little lacklustre.

By lunchtime of her second day, Bujold was clearly upset. Hold-up in her trailer, she expressed her regrets about accepting the role and desire not to continue. Despite the huge costs involved, the decision was made to move forward without her. This meant they had no captain, and the entire production schedule was upended until they found one.

Kate Mulgrew didn’t arrive then for nearly two weeks after production had originally begun. Long hours and a fast pace were required to make up for the lost time, but the mood changed for the better. There was no longer the need for long rehearsals or multiple takes, Bujold's bridge scenes were reshot, and the cast began to bond.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.