10 Star Trek Scenes Even More Impressive When You Know The Truth

6. The Wrap Of Kahn

Star Trek Seven And Janeway
Paramount Pictures

The Wrath of Khan is arguably the best of the Star Trek films, although this writer still prefers First Contact (you can assimilate me for it if you want). Our erudite cast of characters quote from Dickens, Milton, Shakespeare, and Melville. Then, of course, we have the less literary, but nonetheless etched in the cinematic history books, cry from Kirk to his nemesis. Whoever said in space no one can hear you scream?

Pace Star Trek Into Darkness, the most masterful, most heart-wrenching scene is that of two old friends saying one last goodbye (at least as far as we knew). A few facts from behind-the-scenes make Spock’s death even more impressive, however.

Firstly, Leonard Nimoy was none too keen to return for a second film, but it was the thought of being able to play Spock’s death that persuaded him. An early idea would have had the character killed off in the first scene until it was moved to later in the script. Spock was also meant to stay dead, but Nimoy had such a good experience that he wanted to return.

On set, the scene was filmed in front of a restricted number of people – no visitors – to maintain secrecy, and members of the crew reportedly burst into tears. Nimoy also commented that the reactor room was, in essence, airtight so the crew had to pump air in for him to breathe. This had to be turned off for Shatner to deliver a line.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.